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Revisiting My Favorite Home Gadget Buys

Houston interior design Nancy Lane Interiors blog post "Revisiting My Favorite Home Gadget Buys"

You know I consider myself old school in a lot of ways (not old, mind you, just old school as in I prefer things that are classic and timeless). Yes, I still love paper planners and certain analog methods, but I have embraced new technology in the last few years (just as much as I've resisted, ha!), and I am here to tell you it's never too late to learn to love tech especially when it comes to home gadgets. Today I'm revisiting a post from back in 2022 to see if I still stand by these picks, and adding a few more I've discovered since then!

My husband and I are big researchers, so most purchases come with weeks or months of investigation and research to make sure we're using our money for optimal products that will make a beneficial difference to our family on a daily basis. We've had all of these items long enough to know that they were worth the investment. Scroll through for our personal favorite home gadget buys, and let me know what tools, devices, or machines you love in your home too! Inquiring minds want to know!

Houston interior design Nancy Lane Interiors blog post "Revisiting My Favorite Home Gadget Buys"
Photo courtesy of Made In Cookware

Favorite Home Gadget Buys

This recent purchase all started when I saw the state of the pans we had routinely used for years, and how they looked as we culled through them last fall in preparation to send some of them off with the kids to use off at college in their first apartment. Then there was this weird metallic smell I had started to notice (no one else but me weirdly enough) - it was time for new cookware, y'all.

I researched for a little while and picked up the ceramic 3-pan set for us at home and bought the stainless steel versions for the boys as a Christmas present since they are really the avid cooks in our family. These were an investment, but I know I would rather invest in quality rather than regret not getting the good stuff even though we might have to replace it within a few years anyway depending on who's cooking what and who's cleaning up. Read between the lines on that one :) I may have added the special stainless steel cleaner by Made In to their gift box as well.

These don't need a lot of heat - low heat settings are perfect, everything is cooked so well, and they're easy to clean without off-gassing anything harmful. Winner, winner!

In this same vein, I'm looking for a good air fryer - anyone have a good rec that isn't made from all plastic parts?

Bright and colorful Modern Traditional living room with Frame TV from Houston interior designer Nancy Lane Interiors blog post "My Favorite Home Gadget Buys.

While I love watching movies and TV, I have to say I've never loved the look of a television set UNTIL I found the Frame (pictured above)!

What I love most is the fact that this TV lies flat, you can hide all of the wires in the wall (and "the brain" in a nearby cabinet or shelf). Before ours was installed, there were wires galore showing and it made my OCD spike every time I walked in the room. #wortheverypenny

Of course, the next best thing about the Frame is that you can load your own gallery of artwork or photos to highlight when you're not using it as a TV. If you aren't someone with art or photos to upload, no worries - you can use one of the preloaded art selections already installed (that's how I roll) OR you can pay for a monthly subscription that rotates art from a constantly updating collection.

Bonus: You also can tweak the color and size of the mattes around your choice of photo or have no matte at all. Tip: you choose the color or finish of an additional frame that fits around the tv that will go along with the rest of your decor. I debated about purchasing the gold bevel frame myself but decided to go with black. When I mentioned this to my AV guy he suggested I wait on that additional purchase until the Frame arrived because he felt it wasn't necessary since the main Frame is black...and he was right. It looks fantastic as is.

I love this TV so much that we bought one for the living room, and then upgraded to a larger version and put the first one upstairs! We're SIX years in, and I can't complain one bit. I never thought I'd say this about a TV set but I still LOVE my Frame TV.

Installing these thermostats rank up with some of the best money I've spent on our house - we have three of them in our home, all controlled with one app on my phone. You can set them up to hook up to Google and have an Alexa situation with it, but I don't need or want to be connected that much.

I just want to be able to turn my heat or AC on from wherever I am, ha! Tip: if you're also in a season of life where you have moments of suffocating heat in the middle of sleeping, it's much more satisfying to roll over and crank up the AC with a quick click from your phone rather than wake up the house by wandering around in the dark feeling for the wall thermostat to turn the temperature down in the house!

Houston interior design Nancy Lane Interiors blog post "Revisiting My Favorite Home Gadget Buys"

Scents are an important part of a home's experience, in my opinion. I love my Pura device, purchased through Nest New York, because you can set the intensity of your chosen scent, and even set a timer if you know you're going to be home or in a certain room for a good long while. You can also set it up with motion detectors and set the entire color wheel's worth of colors for a nightlight if necessary.

I have one set up at the entrance, and I get comments from everyone who walks in about how fresh it smells!! My favorite scents are the Grapefruit and Bamboo, if you're wanting a recommendation.

It may take a minute for you to figure this Kuhn Rikon can opener out, but I promise - stick with it and you'll wonder what took you so long to switch. It's actually called an auto safety master opener for cans, bottles, and jars,...oh my...

And you know this is a good gadget when your 20 year old kids (who don't spend money on anything if they can help it) call from college and say they splurged and bought the same can opener for their apartment after a cheapy one they bought at the local grocery store failed to thrive!

I know this price tag is hefty, so I really only recommend this if you can get it on sale like I did. My hairdresser at the time used this dryer, and I was hooked after that. It really does dry my hair in five minutes flat, but make sure you regularly clean out the filter in the handle to keep the dryer functioning at its optimal level.

Having the video accessible from this doorbell is so helpful if we're out and about or on vacation, and we see packages being delivered. I can send the kids out to get them or ask a neighbor to scoop them up so they don't get taken (sad but true) if I see it come through while I'm away.

This camera picks up even the slightest movement (you can adjust the motion sensitivity and range), so it's a nice added security benefit as well if you have someone lurking around the front of the house.

We have added other Ring camera products around our house for security purposes since my original post. I love love love having these. I'm able to call an assistant or neighbor to grab packages off my porch and I may have averted one potential teenager rave party at my house with just the reminder that we have cameras everywhere now. Joking. Not joking.

I'm still printing, I know...but it can't be helped! This printer, copier, and scanner in one is a must for the business, and it really is a daily use piece. The app allows for scanning and wireless printing as well, which is a big help.

Houston interior design Nancy Lane Interiors blog post "Revisiting My Favorite Home Gadget Buys"
Sample space in the Houston office studio of Nancy Lane Interiors

I didn't have to change much of anything on this list, which makes me so happy! You rarely get to reflect on the results on your big investment purchases, and all of these are still trucking, delivering great results every day for me and my family.

What is your favorite home gadget that you have never regretted purchasing? I'm always looking for new ones, so please share in the comments!



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