The weather is finally crisp here in Houston and today I'm sharing some fall favorites I've discovered this season. Cheers to staying cozy, making home more comfortable, and spending time with the people that matter the most!
Last month I spent a few days shopping for clients in Round Top then spent the last Saturday there shopping with girlfriends and celebrating my birthday. Yes I celebrated the whole month of October. Highly recommend it ;) One of the things I think every one of them bought was a bread board of some sort. I personally have a ton of them so I passed on purchasing one. Of course I saw these and immediately thought I need more! Plus they're perfect for holiday gifts.

One thing I did buy a lot of while in Round Top...styling accessories like bowls, books, and every size of vase imaginable, one of which was very similar to this one by Amber Lewis...

I love me some candles and I cannot lie. {Points if you know what song I'm singing in my head as I type those words ;) } I've written about it before, but just in case you're new here, you should know that I consider smell as important as visual cues when it comes to the aesthetic of a home. While you can't always leave a candle burning, you can still enjoy fragrance as soon as you pass over the threshold of a home by using one of these with one of their yummy holiday scents. Yes it runs on an app, and if I can work it, anyone can...

I recently ordered one of these in the hopes that my kids will not run off with it like the rest of our charging cords. Not sure where all of the old ones are...probably hanging out with the socks and other missing miscellaneous laundry that disappears, never to be found again. I thought I might as well get a cute one, and maybe they'll leave dear ol' Mom's things alone :) Wishful thinking anyway...

When I think of fall, I think of staying home and chillaxing. My idea of a perfect Sunday: sitting under a fluffy throw like this one reading a good book or binge watching a show on Netflix (recent pick: The Queen's Gambit).

As much as I'm not one to throw a dinner party, this new book makes me believe that I can! Sunday dinner is a tradition that most of us have put to the wayside, but I firmly believe in reinstating this, especially after this year.

And I just might once Covid is itself in quarantine...especially if I have this gorgeous green goddess to cook in! #anythinggreengoesinmybook How beautiful is this emerald enamel pot!? I would be happy to have this sit on my stove, even if I end up ordering takeout.

What are your favorites this season? I'd love to hear what you're loving and using as the leaves turn and the holidays come around!