Whoo, y'all - I'm back from High Point, and I am exhausted! As many times as I go, I'm still never prepared for how mentally and physically draining it is to source for 12-14 hours a day non-stop for days at a time! But this trip was enlightening on a lot of different levels. If you're just beginning your professional design journey, or you don't know what 'market' even refers to, be sure and check out these previous posts:
Now on with our regularly scheduled programming....
I just went to Vegas market in April, and High Point this past June but couldn't resist going again last week. I promised one of my designer friends Lauren that when she was ready to make the pilgrimage to the furniture capital of the world to call me, I would be her wingman, because I remember how hard it was my first time when I went alone. This time honestly I went because Lauren and a bunch of our other BA design girlfriends group from all over the country were going and I didn't want to miss seeing them in person - that's how important this group of girls has become to me throughout this journey in design. We met nearly two years ago at a business retreat and I tell you it was kismet...we all just clicked and instantly loved one another. We all agree hands down the best thing about that retreat was meeting each other.

From left to right above...Tara (Madi's design assistant who I want to adopt), Ashley, Judi, Krissy, Blair, Madi, Lauren, yours truly, and Bromley (Blair's sister aka my new BFF) and in the back Madison's husband Brian. Missing are Julia, Christina, Sue, Krizia, and Elizabeth.
Since this was the first trip to High Point for most of the gals, my intention was to go without a list and just guide them where they wanted to go, but of course, nerd that I am, the night before I made a quick one....with the goal being to see as much new stuff as I could, and then circle back to my most trusted vendors to see what new things they had coming out. On this trip, we blew through the larger buildings full of smaller showrooms and spent a lot of time traveling amongst the various individual showrooms located all over High Point, which is a little sleepy city that wakes up with insomnia twice a year.
I've only been back a few days and I've had a lot of people ask: What's hot? What did you see a lot of? I saw a lot of eye candy for sure, new pieces, new fabrics....lovely, beautiful shiny things as you might imagine. What's trending? Lots of neutrals, boucle, wood accents (tambour is HUGE), and woven textures like rattan and rope details....
I'm obsessed with these beds...scroll through and if you have littles who need a bedroom update call me stat...I'm dying to specify these...
I like big lights and I cannot lie....scroll through to see my favorite finds...
I'm obsessed with finding unique chairs at market and HP did not disappoint this trip...
Believe me we are not resting on our laurels, we are literally sitting in every chair that piques our interest...or as in the case below, sometimes we lay down...why? Because we do it all for you, so you know you can trust us when we tell you what we specify for you and your home is well made and comfortable.

While there's a ton of new stuff on the horizon and new collections to be viewed, I am the first to tell you I think vintage rocks. I was like a kid in a candy shop in the Antiques building...as much for the antiques (or soon to be as in these mid century modern consoles)....

as for the architectural yumminess of the building itself...I mean look up at the old boiler top left and the brick walls...

You never know what you're gonna find in this building. Scroll through below for more favorites that caught my eye...
Since we were walking a lot between buildings we had a chance to enjoy the spectacular weather in North Carolina which was pretty dang perfect. It was so amazing that walking into one particular space actually brought me to tears. You might know that I'm in a sea of grief lately, with the loss last month of a very dear friend. It hits me at really random moments lately but I know it has to bubble up and come out, even if people around me think I've lost my mind. Like when I walked out the door of the showroom into this space, I was just overwhelmed by the beauty of nature and the birds singing, plus the fact that I was with these amazing women I love to bits, and being in this perfect moment of doing what I love with people I love, my heart swelled and the tears just flowed. Know this....I'll cry if I want to, especially these days, ha. It was a perfect moment in time and how many times in life can one truly say that or does one even stop to acknowledge it. Seriously we should all take the time to do that more often.
I have to tell you that being able to meet others from the design community during trips to market, people I've admired from afar for years, has been an absolute pleasure. I know I'm a self professed introvert but at market I'll walk right up to someone and say "Are you so and so? nice to meet you!" This trip it was Arianne Bellizaire, Stephanie Kraus, and the ladies from Kandrac & Kole.
Seriously, the best thing about pushing myself out of my comfort zone has been meeting real and glorious talents in the industry. The amazing friendships developed with fellow designers like my friends shown below has been utterly priceless. A little fun fact...one of the ladies below is featured on a tv show on the Magnolia Network....

If you guessed middle seat on the right, ding ding ding, you're a winner. That is Blair Moore of Moore House Design. Check out her show here on the Magnolia Network via Discovery + Channel. Tip: You can get a free seven day trial to watch the show...if you love design you'll love it. Trust me.
Seriously there was so much goodness to look at while in High Point. No matter how long I go for, it is never enough. There's 12 million plus square feet of showroom floor and not enough time in the day or a whole week to see everything.

But trust me I'm committed to these market trips and to finding unique things for my clients and our design projects...and to reunions with my peeps :) It's a big investment monetarily and in time spent apart from family but it's also a blessing beyond measure to be able to do what I love. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing.
Thoughts,comments, questions about market? I'm all ears. Leave a note below or send up a smoke signal to me on IG @nancylaneinteriors