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Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Nancy Lane Interiors: Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Hiring a designer is often a big adulting decision that signals a shift in your life. If you have ever thought about hiring an interior designer, but somehow can’t bring yourself to even reach out, you’re in luck! Today I’m addressing the most common fears I hear from potential clients, and even people out and about who've shared that they feel they could never reach the point of being able to chat with a designer to start the process (this happened again last week when I was returning some samples by mail last week).

Nancy Lane Interiors: Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Fear #1: I’m Going to Be Ripped Off I am the first one to admit that hiring a designer is a luxury - as is hiring any expert to do anything for you to make your life a bit more convenient and enjoyable. And hiring a designer is not a way to get discount codes or get things cheaper. If that is a driving force for you, then I am not the designer for you, and that is perfectly ok! But the truth is that a great designer will listen to your needs, your goals, your budget, and work within those parameters and adjust as needed! I am very adamant in educating potential clients from the beginning about what their scope of work will likely cost, so no one is caught off guard after contracts have been signed. If we find out that your scope of work is out of your budget, I am the first one to say it's worth saving up some more to do it right, or we might suggest that we have a one time design consult to start with in order to flush through the ideas and send you off knowing how to spruce up your space while you're saving up for the big remodel. On top of that, working with a designer who thoroughly vets and understands the vendors that make the furniture/hard finishes/appliances/artwork that they specify will save you so much money and time! No going back because the quality didn’t hold up - we wouldn’t be working with those vendors if that was the case. And when (not if) issues come up, it is our headache to deal with, not yours. You have turned over the headaches to the designer you’ve hired to be there in your stead. Never underestimate the time and stress you will save by trusting someone with expert knowledge and experience to do this for you!

Nancy Lane Interiors: Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Fear #2: I Don’t Really Understand How Designers Operate There has always been this layer of mystery over what interior designers do, and with the onset of furniture retailers who offer space planning and design services, the lines have blurred as to what falls into a designer’s scope of work. With that being said, every designer has the right to run their business exactly the way that makes sense for them, so this answer is really dependent on the designers themselves. I have detailed the process of what it’s like to work with me in previous posts here and here, as well as here and here, that I highly suggest reading over. This is how you get to know the person you will likely be spending at least 12 months of your life interacting with every week! If you don’t line up with the way I run my business, that is totally ok. There are so many talented designers out in the world, and finding your best fit is the most important thing.

Nancy Lane Interiors: Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer

Fear #3: Designers Create More Issues - I Can Handle This Myself If you love a good DIY and handling the logistics of a project, great! But if you’re the type of person likely to hire a plumber, a landscaper, or an electrician to deal with the specific services like the experts they are, a new build or remodel would be another great opportunity to have an expert handle the design direction, specifications, and project management or observation for the multitudes of design decisions and myriad of questions (and chaos) that will undoubtedly happen getting through a large project like that!

Fear #4: My Style Doesn't Match with Your Style Some designers have a signature look that clients seek out. I personally value working with individuals who know that design isn't their forte, but can communicate what they're hoping to create for their home, and will trust and value working with me to create that for them. That is why you might not be able to classify my design style looking through my website and portfolio to one niche look - each project is truly personalized to the homeowners and their individuality and honors the unique treasures that they have to bring into the project.

Do you have a fear I haven't addressed? I would love to hear it and be able to provide answers about that!

And if this all sounds like your vibe, feel free to reach out to start the process!

Nancy Lane Interiors: Debunking Fears about Hiring a Designer


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